Life is like a boat
It sails in the oceans of pacific
It moves through a lot of ups and downs
But yet who survives wins the crown
All day and night it moves on and on
It has to fight the predicaments to come along..
For the storm may come or the tides may rise
The wild creatures may wrath or the lightning may strike
It may loose its way coz of the illusionary light ..
That promises a shore to rest in the night
But as way comes along
The peaceful shore is gone..
The companion water try many a times to carry away
The essence of self containment
The boat that flows away with the flow
And makes no effort to fight stand of its own
Is the mark of a timid and weak
And gets lost in the oceans
But it is the captain who guides it…
Through the waters so deep and the troubles so grave
Undettered from its aim all troubles it may brave
And a winner is one that
Makes its way till the shore
guided by the flow of water but never carried away
and for d looser boats we can only pray.