Saturday, November 28, 2009

r girls dumb??

I was inspired to write this article by the many male collegues i recently met and of d opinion that 'girls r dumb!!' or 'beautiful girls r dumb'.

beautiful girls r dumb??
well as far as the story goes beautiful girls know that they can easily get WOTEVER they want easily so even the ones who have the potential to be smart do not develop their talents as they never need to show their brains ..their whole lifeline gets over in spas , getting manicured and accepting presents

for the rest who believe ALL girls are dumb..
So wot if girls r not into batman tmnt ninjas gaming nd p3ps..doesnt turn them lame girls are way too knowledgeable about the latest fashion trends ,new designers in market,bargaining at grocery shops, the glosses ,new nail shades gossiping and academics as well ( IAS topper is a lady ).
Boys beat that!!

the oxford dictionary quotes dumb as somebody
a. slow to understand; dim-witted
b. foolish; stupid

there r many guy frnz who fit to this defination that their grey cells refuse to understand in one go and i have to go over nd over again to make them understand a simple concept .Every individual has a different grasping power and level and anybody can be slow to process a fact it a boy or a girl and we all would agree that its difficult to understand d pjs of guys .. After ol they r pjs!!

and anyways whats the use of being way too quick and bright witted (if guys are by any chance or so they presume..) They just use their brightness overthinking why that girl turned back and smiled at me?? Or rating girls endlessly..Or how to go over to the girl and ask her out like in 'NEXT' where nicolas cage plans over nd again foreseeing how to start his conversation with his wud b lady..

for the left ones who are yet not convinced and consider girls in relationships to be dumb theres a very famous quote
"every lady wants to be a mans last girlfriend
and every man wants to be a ladys first boyfriend"

and according to this saying every girl tries to keep up her relationship till the last drop of water in the glass..and gets ready to give in everything that makes the guy happy and their relationship going ..they r patient and caring and honest towards their relationships.

A girl raising way too many questions is tabooed to be dumb..
is inquisitiveness dumb??
Is quest for detailing dumb??
Is hunger for knowledge dumb??
Then how can questioning be mistaken as lack of knowledge instead of curiosity??

A girl who agrees and believes upon any fact easily is considered dumb..
faith and trust are the main reasons behind this kind of behaviour but guys
Are easy manipulators and instant bluffers and such values don’t matter much to them.

and for the misogynists who will never agree my last words to them
it is a relative term ..that u say girls are dumb than boys .

had girls not been the way they are and been smater than boys ..then boys wud never have had so much fun in their lives coz girls wud neva want to be wid lame guys !!Girls luv smart guys!!
then an era of genetic death of stupid males would usher and the natural process of nature would be doomed.
so THANKX us girls the way we are !!
But theres one thing that amuses me why do guys yearn for girls if they believe that girls r dumb??isn’t it even more dumb of boys to make girls their better half when they are of such an opinion about girls??

So boys think twice before calling a girl dumb next time.