Friday, September 24, 2010


I was sitting with one of my friends who follows astrology a bit ... and it so happens that i pay partial heed to whatever d stories are being narrated
She is a BYGG fan of horoscopes , believes in color therapy and signs and serendipity stuff. I myself DO believe in signs but in comparison to her I am just a normal kid ..
So recently there poped up a story of the stars(nakshatraas) being in a bad position astrologically nd that too almost all the sun signs being affected due to this bad positioning and I just stuffed it into my garbage stock thinking it to be just another "hit the bricks" type.
But it so turned out that my days or rather my weeks or infact the whole couple of months recently seemed out to be a little disastrous to me !!
and then I remembered her forklore .. So I just went to her to ask about it more and I was told that mid end october was supposed to be the relieving period when all the stars would allign themselves in their normal positions ..
It may sound crappy but I am dying to welcome the next month !!
Fingers crossed !!