Today we celebrate our 63 rd independence day ... we hav evolved from a country harboring farmers ,artisans and fishermen to a nation with mushrooming MNC s , brilliant engineers world class doctors , architectures nd ppl excelling in ol fields. Our infrastructure has improved manyfolds, our economy has taken a toll , rickety villages have been metamorphosed into developed villages India is no more just about a charkha and people suffering from poverty but today india has grown exponentially and has become a fast developing nation yet when i look down upon ourselves and our lives my mind questions my brain to believe this fact that we are independent
There was a time when India was severely lacking in its development while the rest of the world had paced into the era of scientific evolution and new discoveries .. we cursed our lag on the rulers that enslaved us and hindered our growth and progress.They looted all our wealth and raped the once called golden bird to a miserable poor nation where poverty reflected at every corner of the street.
Today we do have the most developed and advanced computers and machines at our beck nd call but with advent of time man has become slaves to these machines ... we have become slaves to these mind boggling electronic devices in leaps and bounds ...
It has become impossible for man to survive without machines and yet we say we are independent.
Today we are independent to choose for selves the clothes we wear - ethnic or western, the language we speak- our native mothertongue or the more sophisticated english, the religion we choose or the lifestyle we select .... but yet we havent been able to liberate ourselves from the superstitions that still exist in broad daylight !
We are independent yet we are tightly clutched by the nasty grip of social malices like severe show offs in peer class , the so very nose poking habit into others matter (nd falsely calling it 'care' fr otherzzz), the habit of throwing away an empty packet of chips out of the car window and littering the roads, believing in fake religious pranks of dhongi baabaazzz.Flaunting a broad minded perception to everybody while deep down our thinking still remains conservative and narrow. Wearing western clothes just to keep up with d peer group yet making talks about the neighbors daughter when she leaves the society in a tight mini skirt with a guy on a bike and yet we declare ourselves to be liberated ??
literally and legally India has become an independent nation but the people are yet to be liberated from certain practices which fail Indias independence MISERABLY.