New college fellas campus nd new life After 14 years of ur skul life together wid d same frnnzzz this transaction is definately d most awaited ,exciting nd adventurous when u wish to roam free.. cherish d freedom ..taste life nd wish to kiss d sky wid d wings of ur creativity ..
After an awsum blossom experience of du i wos not filled wid high hopes in my nw college as their is nothing better than d best..!!Still i wos anticipating some fun nd some gewd fellas in my new college ..d first week passed by lamely ..but d very second week witnessed a lot ov activity nd energy..d sessionals were over nd our seniors awaited us ie d freshers at every possible corner of our campus to rag us..dude!! life wos a mess!! i wos thrice called for an intro (decent term for ragging cozz ragging is banned) d very same day nd asked to give a complete biodata of myself in shuddh matrabhasha hindi is poor but i managed somehow wid d help of our generous seniorzz..they asked me to sing linkin park twice courtsey my lp shirt that i wos wearing.. d next day too i gave my intro twice nd had to sing munnabhai d himesh reshamiaa style..initially we used to run away when we use to see seniorss 10 meters away but ragging continuedd nd gradually we started enjoying it
d third day i wos given a hanky and asked to enact aati kya wos so lamee!! but i did it..nd d major of oll wos my ask out..i wos asked to ask out a guy which wos supposed to be my senior but turned out to be a fresher itself!!
days haf passed my fist sessionals r about to get ovr ..dint study nething for them..lolz!!bt now they r overr nd thats a big relieff..hoping to see my fellas back tomorrow..